Category: History
January 05, 2021: The 19th Century opponents of the Electoral College
October 19, 2018: Get rid of debt, fast
May 08, 2018: The map in the painting
March 27, 2018: Long lives the queen
February 27, 2018: Obscenities and oaths: French languages before the Revolution
January 02, 2018: In the hinterland, plus ça change
February 04, 2017: The Accidental Republic — Let's Nerd Out
November 11, 2015: 1800 and the politics of the absolute
July 21, 2015: Alphabétisation
March 25, 2015: The accidental republic
January 21, 2014: The Absaroka difference
July 15, 2013: The paradox of red state Democratic success
July 06, 2013: Interesting words, part 2
December 08, 2011: The dangers of armies vs. navies